
Our products are designed with quality as a top priority. They are evaluated to the highest regulatory standards.

MDSAP Certified

Eko has been audited per the requirements of the Medical Device Single Audit Program (MDSAP).


ISO 13485:2016 Certified

Eko maintains an ISO 13485 certified Quality Manufacturing System.


CE Marked

Eko CORE Digital Attachment /Stethoscope and Eko Analysis Software (EAS) are CE Marked for trading in EEA market.


Health Canada Approved

Eko CORE, Eko DUO, 3M Littmann CORE, and Eko Analysis Software (EAS) are Health Canada approved for sale in Canada.


TGA (Australia) Approved

Eko CORE, Eko DUO, 3M Littmann CORE, and Eko Analysis Software (EAS) are TGA approved for sale in Australia.


UKCA Marking

CORE 500 Digital Stethoscope (CORE 500), Eko CORE, Eko DUO, Eko Analysis Software (EAS), Eko Murmur Analysis Software (EMAS) and Eko Low Ejection Fraction Tool (ELEFT) are UKCA marked.

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Eko Devices’ Financial Conflict of Interest (FCOI) Policy for NIH-Funded Research

Eko Health, Inc. is dedicated to maintaining public trust in the integrity of our research-related activities. The management of financial conflicts of interest (FCOI) is crucial for safeguarding research objectivity and for compliance with federal regulations.

Eko Health, Inc. seeks to ensure the integrity of its research and to comply with the Public Health Service (PHS) requirements for institutions that seek research funding.  The PHS has implemented regulations (42 CFR 50, “FCOI Regulations”) to promote objectivity in research by establishing standards that provide a reasonable expectation that the design, conduct, and reporting of research funded under PHS grants will be free from bias resulting from investigator FCOIs.

This policy includes any research performed at Eko that is funded from NIH monies (PHS grants).

  • Eko may be the primary research institution.

  • Eko may be a sub-investigating/contracted research institution.

This policy includes any investigators that are participating in NIH-funded research at Eko or any subcontracting organization. The policy provides mandatory training, policy documentation and essential details on processes that investigators must follow to comply with FOCI Regulations.

Read full policy

Manufacturer Address

Eko Health, Inc.

2100 Powell Street, Suite 300

Emeryville, CA 94608

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