Manage patients and recordings on the Eko App

You can manage patients and recordings* in two ways:

Summary screen

The summary screen shows immediately after you take a recording or cardiac exam.

Here's what you can do on these screens.

Note: Your Eko App screens may differ from what's shown here.

Recording summary overview





Assign the recording to a patient profile:

  1. If you’re assigning the recording to a patient you’ve already created, on the Existing Patients screen, find and select them using the search bar or by scrolling through the patient list.

  2. To create a new patient profile, tap New Patient and enter the patient’s information. Either the first OR last name, OR the MRN number is required. Tap Assign Patient.


Closing the patient profile or tapping I’ll Assign Later automatically saves the recording under unassigned recordings. You can always assign a patient later.


View the Eko AI analysis results and the heart rate in beats per minute (BPM). The heart rate is the average from the entire recording.


Select whether the patient was standing, sitting, or supine during the recording.


Tap to close the summary and return to the Listen screen. If you assigned a patient, then the recording can be located later on the Patients screen, Assigned tab. If you didn't assign the recording, the recording can be located later on the Patients screen, Unassigned tab.


Tap Share to select from sharing options on your mobile device. For detailed instructions, see Share or print a recording.


Tap Playback to see the recorded waveform and hear the recorded sounds. The recording starts to play. You can pause it by tapping the button again.

You can also adjust the audio settings on the Playback screen:

  1. Tap the Audio button to open the Audio Settings panel.

  2. To turn on wireless listening, tap Play from Headphones. You can listen to sounds on your headphones or earbuds that are connected to the mobile device via Bluetooth. Adjust the mobile device’s volume if needed.

  3. Volume Boost is activated when Play from Headphones is turned on. Further amplifies the sounds through your headphones. Tap the scale to adjust the level.


Tap Notes to annotate the recording with free-form text. You can add as many notes as you need.

To edit or delete a note, swipe right on the note, and select Edit on the right.


Notes can’t be deleted once they’ve been assigned to a patient.


We strongly recommend omitting any personally identifiable patient information or protected health information (PHI). Any notes will be included when sharing this recording with others.


Tap Delete to delete the recording. A confirmation message appears. Once a recording is deleted, it can’t be retrieved.

Exam summary overview





Assign the exam to a patient profile.

  1. If you’re assigning the exam to a patient you’ve already created, on the Existing Patients screen, find and select them using the search bar or by scrolling through the patient list.

  2. To create a new patient profile, tap New Patient and enter the patient’s information. Either the first OR last name, OR the MRN number is required. Tap Assign Patient.


Closing the patient profile or tapping I’ll Assign Later automatically saves the recording under unassigned recordings. You can always assign a patient later.


View the Eko AI analysis results* and the heart rate in beats per minute (BPM) for each of the four cardiac positions. The heart rate is the average from the entire recording.

If a recording wasn’t successful, a Retry button appears that can be used to retake a recording.

If a recording for a position wasn't taken, a Take Recording button appears that can be used to take a recording.

Tap a position's recording to view the details or play it back. On the playback screen, you can also:

  • Tap Share* to select from sharing options on your mobile device. This shares the recording for this position only.

  • Tap Delete to delete a positions' recording from the exam. It won't delete the entire cardiac exam. Once a recording is deleted, it can't be retrieved. You can take a new recording for the position after it's deleted.

  • Tap the Audio button to open the Audio Settings panel. To turn on wireless listening, tap Play from Headphones.


Once you end the exam, you won’t be able to delete or re-record any single position for this exam, or any previously completed exams.


Select whether the patient was standing, sitting, or supine during the exam.


Tap End Exam to close the summary and return to the Listen screen. If you assigned a patient, then the exam can be located later on the Patients screen, Assigned tab. If you didn't assign the exam, it can be located later on the Patients screen, Unassigned tab.


Tap Share* to select from sharing options on your mobile device. This shares the entire exam, including the recordings for all 4 cardiac positions.

For detailed instructions, see Share or print a recording.


Tap Notes to annotate the exam with free-form text. You can add as many notes as you need.

To edit or delete a note, swipe right on the note, and select Edit on the right.


Notes can’t be deleted once they’ve been assigned to a patient.


We strongly recommend omitting any personally identifiable patient information or protected health information (PHI). Any notes will be included when sharing this recording with others.

Patients screen

You can use the Patients screen in the Eko App to manage patient profiles* and any recordings* taken with the app. The Patients screen has two tabs for:


After you take a recording or cardiac exam, you can assign a patient to that recording* immediately, or you can review it and assign it later. If you don't assign it immediately, the recording will be located in the Unassigned tab.

Recordings that are initiated from the Eko device instead of the Eko App will also be located in the Unassigned tab until you can review them later.

Assigned recordings overview

  1. In the Assigned tab, search for a patient if needed, then tap the patient to open their profile.

  2. The patient profile can be filtered by Exam and Recording. Tap the exam or recording you want to open.

  3. The recording opens and you can play it back, share it, add notes, delete it, or reassign it to a different patient profile.


Unassigned recordings overview

  1. In the Unassigned tab, filter recordings by Exams or Recordings if needed, then tap the recording to open it.

  2. The recording opens and you can play it back, share it, add notes, delete it, or assign it to a patient profile.


*Some features may require a paid Eko App membership.



0002159 Rev.2.0

Date of Issue:

June 26, 2023

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