Eko+ FAQ

Here's a list of common questions about our products. We hope this helps you when deciding to purchase our products. If you have more questions, contact support or chat with us at the bottom of the page.

What is Eko+?

What features are included in Eko+?

What Eko App features do I get if I don't have Eko+?

How much does Eko+ cost?

What are the benefits of upgrading to Eko+?

Is there a free trial available for Eko+?

How do I become an Eko+ member?

Is my data secure with Eko+?

Can I cancel my Eko+ membership?

I purchased a stethoscope and an Eko+ membership and want to return both. What do I do?

What payment methods are accepted?

Will my Eko+ membership automatically renew?

Can I access Eko+ features on multiple devices?

What are the minimum system requirements to use Eko+?

How do I get support for Eko+?

How can I manage my Eko+ membership or change which plan I'm on?

Is Eko+ available in my country or region?

I live outside the United States. Can I purchase Eko+?

Can I share my Eko+ membership?

How often are new Eko+ features or updates added?

Can I change my email associated with my Eko+ account?

What is Eko+?

Eko+ is a paid membership that unlocks unlimited access to the Eko App’s full feature set.

With an Eko+ membership, you can access the Eko App’s full suite of features including AI-powered AFib detection (CORE 500™ and DUO™ only) and murmur detection, and create, save, and share heart sound recordings and PDF reports.

Eko+ is offered as a monthly or annual membership and can be purchased on ekohealth.com or through the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.

What features are included in Eko+?

Eko+ includes the following features:

  • Murmur detection supported by Eko AI
  • AFib detection (CORE 500™ and DUO™ only) supported by Eko AI
  • Tachycardia/Bradycardia detection supported by Eko AI
  • Sound recording, saving, and playback
  • Access to saved recordings
  • Patient profiles
  • PDF reports
  • Secure file sharing
  • Guided 4-point exam flow
  • Web Dashboard access
  • First access to new software features

Learn more about Eko+ on ekohealth.com.

What Eko App features do I get if I don't have Eko+?

Standard Access to the Eko App includes the following features:

  • Real-time ECG (CORE 500™ and DUO™ only) and PCG
  • Wireless listening
  • Cardiac, pulmonary, and wide listening modes
  • Single sound recording with real-time playback
  • Average heart rate reading
  • Device updates delivered wirelessly

How much does Eko+ cost?

Eko+ is available as a monthly or yearly membership, and pricing depends on the selected membership duration. You can find detailed pricing information in the Eko App or on our website.

What are the benefits of upgrading to Eko+?

An Eko+ membership unlocks access to advanced features that can help you detect heart disease earlier to improve patient outcomes. As an Eko+ member, you can analyze recorded heart sounds for signs of AFib (CORE 500™ and DUO™ only) or murmurs, share recordings for second opinions, and save those recordings to a patient’s file to track their condition over time.

Is there a free trial available for Eko+?

Yes, first-time members will be given a free trial period to explore Eko+ features.

After your free trial ends, you'll be charged according to the membership plan you chose, and your membership will begin automatically.

You can cancel anytime before the free trial ends if you don’t want to continue with a paid membership. If you cancel before the free trial ends, you will still have access to Eko+ features until the end of the trial.

How do I become an Eko+ member?

You can become an Eko+ member within the Eko App or on ekohealth.com.

For in-app purchasing, download the Eko App and create an account. During onboarding, you'll be prompted to become an Eko+ member. Tap on “Try Eko+ for free” and submit your payment. This will begin your free trial period then transition you into a paid membership.

To purchase on ekohealth.com, navigate to the Eko+ Membership page and select a membership to add to your cart.

Is my data secure with Eko+?

Yes, your information is encrypted and protected.

  • All data is encrypted in transit (TLS 1.2+) and at rest (AES 256).
  • All data is stored only within the United States (AWS US-East-1).
  • Eko performs an annual SOC 2 Type 2 audit and an annual 3rd party penetration test.
  • Eko is HIPAA and GDPR compliant.

Can I cancel my Eko+ membership?

Yes, you can cancel your Eko+ membership at any time. You will not receive a refund for any previously made payments, but you will have access to Eko+ features until the end of your current billing period.

If you purchased your Eko+ membership through the Apple App Store or Google Play Store, you can cancel your membership within the Eko App. Go to Menu, click on your name, then select Manage Eko+ Membership. From here, you can change or cancel your membership plan.

If you purchased your membership on ekohealth.com, please visit this page to log in and manage your membership.

Note: We do not offer refunds on Eko membership payments.

I purchased a stethoscope and an Eko+ membership and want to return both. What do I do?

You will need to return your stethoscope then cancel your Eko+ membership separately. Please follow the instructions outlined in this article.

What payment methods are accepted?

We accept credit cards, PayPal, Shop Pay, Amazon Pay, Google Pay, Venmo, or Afterpay on ekohealth.com.

Will my Eko+ membership automatically renew?

Yes, unless you cancel before the end of your current membership period, your membership will automatically renew.

If you cancel your membership before the end of your free trial, you will not be billed.

Can I access Eko+ features on multiple devices?

Yes, you can access Eko+ features on multiple devices using the same account credentials.

What are the minimum system requirements to use Eko+?

Eko+ is accessible through the Eko App and works with compatible smartphones and tablets. Minimum system requirements are listed here. Eko+ memberships are available to U.S. customers only.

How do I get support for Eko+?

For Eko+ questions, please reach out to our Support team at support@ekohealth.com.

Have billing questions? If you purchased your Eko+ membership through the App Store or Play Store, you will need to reach out to Apple or Google directly. Otherwise, please reach out to our Support Team.

How can I manage my Eko+ membership or change which plan I'm on?

You can manage your Eko+ membership and adjust your plan at any time.

If you purchased your Eko+ membership through the Apple App Store or Google Play Store, you can manage your membership within the Eko App. Go to Menu, click on your name, select Subscription, then select Manage Eko+ Membership. From here, you can change or cancel your membership plan.

If you purchased your Eko+ membership online, you can log in and manage your membership here.

Is Eko+ available in my country or region?

Eko+ memberships are only available in the United States.

The international Eko App is available for iOS and Android devices with limited functionality. The international app does not include Eko AI analysis, sharing of recordings, auto record, live streaming, and the full cardiac exam. For the full list of functionality, see Overview of the international Eko App.

I live outside the United States. Can I purchase Eko+?

No, Eko+ memberships are only available in the United States at this time.

Can I share my Eko+ membership?

Eko+ memberships are intended for individual use and cannot be shared with others.

How often are new Eko+ features or updates added?

We strive to regularly update Eko+ with new features and improvements to enhance your experience.

Can I change my email associated with my Eko+ account?

No, you can't change the email address associated with your Eko+ account.

If you purchased your Eko+ membership on ekohealth.com, you will need to cancel your Eko+
membership and repurchase with a different email address. Follow the steps in this article to cancel your Eko+ membership.

If you purchased your Eko+ membership through the Eko App, you can manage your membership directly from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.



0003093 Rev.3.0

Date of Issue:

June 24, 2024

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